Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Residence permits: branches tilt

Residence permits: branches tilt

November 17, - Make tantrums again the electronic system that allows employers and municipalities to compile applications for renewal of residence permits. The system had already blocked the end of last week, then was reinstated, but now is back to earth.

"Today, 17/11/2009, ell2 software has problems running in the opening phase of the kit mod 2. The error reported by the system is: 'Action canceled - Unable to connect to the Web page request. This page may not be available at the moment ' "reports a note dell'Ancitel coordinating the doors of Commons.

"The fault - insurance - Italian Post Office has been notified that we provide for the resolution of the issue to a rapid restoration of service. We will communicate the successful resolution of the problem."

Meanwhile, the queues are getting longer at the counter. "Operators can complete the application by hand, but it takes more time. But there are municipalities that draw only online, and then refer back the question by setting a new date," confirms Andrew Maurenzi , project manager's residence permit Ancitel.