Employer and employee contract between them, and working conditions, which must take into account the provisions of the national collective agreement for domestic work, unless they are not more favorable to the worker. The conditions of contract are as follows:
On the basis of tasks, it will classify the worker in a specific category of domestic work:
providers of general work, not carers of people, and those engaged purely manual or fatigue, lacking professional experience or professional experience not exceeding 12 months. (eg employee cleaning, roadside garden maintenance work, help with kitchen, laundry worker, groom, care for pets.) employees carrying out their duties under direct supervision of the employer.
Level A Super:
- Involved in the company of people self-sufficient, without making any provision of labor
- Baby sitter with occasional tasks and / or only occasional supervision of children.
Workers with experience, who perform tasks involving specific skills even at the executive level (eg, multifunctional employee, waiter, custodian, bus driver).Level B Super: -
- Providing care for themselves (elderly or children) with activities related to the needs of food and household cleaning
Level C:
Workers who operate with complete autonomy and responsibility in the possession of specific knowledge base, both theoretical and technical (chef)
Level C Super:
- Providing care for dependents not possess any professional degree (carer), including activities related to the need for accommodation and meals and cleaning the house of assisted
workers, who hold a professional certificate, which, with full decision
-making autonomy and accountability of the house to follow the menage explicit instructions of the employer (eg, teachers, child care worker, housekeeper, butler, chief cook);
Level D Super: -
Assistant for dependent persons in possession of a vocational diploma or a certificate recognized by specific state or public entities (eg registered nurse generic, geriatric care);-
Director of house
The national collective agreement identifies two additional categories of domestic workers:Benefits only waiting night: the staff is hired to ensure only the presence night and not care, at a time falls between the hours of 21 and 8 am. Night shift personal care: nursing staff are not hired to assist the young, elderly, handicapped or sick, erratic or intermittently at a time falls between the hours of 20 and 8 am. The recent reform of the labor market has introduced the category of occasional domestic worker, who plays "small domestic work overtime, including home care to children and the elderly, sick or disabled." It includes only certain types of workers identified in detail by law, their activities can not last for more than 30 days per year for an annual fee up to 5 thousand dollars.
The employee must be paid on the so-called partner in lieu of remuneration for board and lodging, an amount that goes to compensate for what the law considers a hardship: the ability to enjoy food and accommodation independently.The value of conventional food and accommodation allowance is determined annually and can be found on the site INPS than on that of the Department of Labor worker living with the employer work is entitled to a daily allowance, calculated annually by INPS for 2008 equal to € 4.773 (1.666 meal, 1.441 overnight).
For staff who lives with the employer the working time is fixed by the employer, while for those who provide half the service (at least 4 hours per day) or work at, the time will be agreed between the parties. In particular, the national contract for domestic work sets certain limits on working time: - For workers living with up to 10 hours a day non
-consecutive (and maximum 54 hours per week) and for not living up 8 hours a day non-consecutive (and maximum 40 hours per week to be distributed over 5 or 6 days).Workers living in Grade levels C, B, B Super, and students aged between 16 and 40 years attending courses which provide in their completing the issuance of a certificate recognized by the State, can work for up to 30 hours week. Working hours must be placed entirely between 6 and 14 or between 14 and 22, or for a maximum of 10 hours a day in no more than three days a week. The employee has the right partner to rest for at least 11 consecutive hours the same day and a break, unpaid, usually in the afternoon, no less than 2 hours. E 'can be agreed to recover hours not worked, for no more than 2 hours daily, from time pay as normal and not extraordinary.The work that exceeds the stipulated maximum period should be considered overtime. The hourly rate payable to the worker in case of work that exceeds the stipulated maximum period should be increased as follows:
• extraordinary work performed between the hours of 6 am to 22 = 25% increase
• Special night: work performed between the hours of 22 am to 6 = 50% increase4)
The Italian Constitution recognizes the inalienable right of workers to a weekly rest. The day of solemn rest is usually on Sundays, but may change if the employee professed a religious faith that provides for the solemnization in a different day.
National holidays
The law recognizes the employee the right to rest and to pay for public holidays: 1st and 6th January, Easter Monday, 25 April, 1 May, 2 June, 15 August, 1 November, 8, 25 and 26 December , and day of the patron saint of the place where he plays the employment relationship. If work performance during the national holidays, the pay should be increased by 60%.Work during the holidays and days' rest if they were requested performance of work for the unpredictable needs that can not otherwise be met, on days of rest on Sundays and holidays (or other solemn day) or weekly rest day is not a solemn the hourly wage to be paid to the employee must be increased as follows:
• work carried out in the weekly day of rest not solemn increase of 40%
• work performed on Sunday or holiday: more than 60%.
The salary basis: the parties can not agree under any circumstances be less than the contractual minimum wage established by law.
Minimum wage from 1 January 2008
TABLE A WORKERS LIVING (monthly values)
A 557.92
AS 659.36
B 710.08
BS 760.80
C 811.52
CS 862.24
1014.40 + 150.00 Q compensation
DS allowance 1065.12 + 150.00
A 4.06
AS 4.77 5.07
B BS 5.38
C 5.68
CS 5.98
D 6.90
DS 7.20
The minimum wage is reassessed every year, the updated values are available on the site INPS than on that of the Department of Labor For each two years of service employment with the same employer as working one step length equal to 4% of salary effective.Thirteenth: domestic workers entitled to an additional monthly pay, in every respect equal to the monthly remuneration agreed to be paid by the month of December for Christmas. If the benefits do not reach one year of service will be paid monthly twelfths as there are many months of employment.Night work: Work carried out between 22 pm and 6 am shall be considered night work and must be compensated by an increase of 20% of the hourly wage agreed. In the case of work by the hour, is considered night work that played for at least 7 consecutive hours, covering the period between midnight and five in the morning.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Illegal Immigrants, "no complaints in hospitals"
Illegal Immigrants, "no complaints in hospitals"
Many regions have already said, now expects a circular from the Ministry of Health. Geraci (SIMM): "Inform immigrants"
Who has the residence permit may seek treatment without fear in an ambulance, and hospital emergency room, because there no one can renounce it as a stowaway. Was it before the adoption of Security Act, and is even now.The ban on the complaint of illegal immigrants in health facilities is enshrined in the Single Text on immigration and wide-ranging. It covers doctors and nurses, but also the administrative staff in hospitals and the police can not ask for permission to stay for the patient. Nothing has changed with the introduction of the crime of hiding. "The standard has been widely interpreted, and is sure that there is still a ban on reporting. We have explained even in a legal noticeClarifies Salvatore Geraci, until last month president of the Italian Society of medicine of migrations. To clarify things to all health professionals, the Simm, l 'Italian Association for Legal Studies on Immigration, MSF-el' Italian Observatory on Global Health, have called for a ban on reporting was also highlighted by the Regions and the Ministry of health. "Fourteen provinces, autonomous regions and a [Here is the list ed] responded to our appeal. In a few days, should also finally get a circular from the ministry "announced Geraci. The next step is to reassure directly to immigrants. During the passage of the bill, the League has in fact security tried to remove the prohibition on reporting, a move failed, but it has frightened many illegal immigrants. "In the early months of 2009 - says Geraci - Hospitals northern Italy and the private clinics have reported a decline of social access by irregular, but now the trend seems to have reversed. I do believe that it serves an information campaign to understand all immigrants, with or without permission, that healthcare facilities are safe. "
Many regions have already said, now expects a circular from the Ministry of Health. Geraci (SIMM): "Inform immigrants"
Who has the residence permit may seek treatment without fear in an ambulance, and hospital emergency room, because there no one can renounce it as a stowaway. Was it before the adoption of Security Act, and is even now.The ban on the complaint of illegal immigrants in health facilities is enshrined in the Single Text on immigration and wide-ranging. It covers doctors and nurses, but also the administrative staff in hospitals and the police can not ask for permission to stay for the patient. Nothing has changed with the introduction of the crime of hiding. "The standard has been widely interpreted, and is sure that there is still a ban on reporting. We have explained even in a legal noticeClarifies Salvatore Geraci, until last month president of the Italian Society of medicine of migrations. To clarify things to all health professionals, the Simm, l 'Italian Association for Legal Studies on Immigration, MSF-el' Italian Observatory on Global Health, have called for a ban on reporting was also highlighted by the Regions and the Ministry of health. "Fourteen provinces, autonomous regions and a [Here is the list ed] responded to our appeal. In a few days, should also finally get a circular from the ministry "announced Geraci. The next step is to reassure directly to immigrants. During the passage of the bill, the League has in fact security tried to remove the prohibition on reporting, a move failed, but it has frightened many illegal immigrants. "In the early months of 2009 - says Geraci - Hospitals northern Italy and the private clinics have reported a decline of social access by irregular, but now the trend seems to have reversed. I do believe that it serves an information campaign to understand all immigrants, with or without permission, that healthcare facilities are safe. "
What happened to the tax on permits?
What happened to the tax on permits?
It is already law, but has not yet decided how much and how to pay. Who has a permit to expire, should not wait
What happened to the tax on residence permits? Incumbent for months on the heads of four million immigrants, but so far no one has paid. Safety Act, in force since August, is clear: "The request for issuance and renewal of residence permit is subject to payment of a contribution, the amount is set between a minimum of 80 and a maximum of 200 euro. The only ones allowed to remain without fee asylum and humanitarian protection. To determine the exact amount and the method of payment should be, by decree, the Ministries of Economy and Interior. The fact is that this decree does not yet exist and the two ministries do not get guidance on its timing. Half of the money collected by the state with the fee permits will end in "Return Fund", then, with a far from linear logic, migrants pay the costs of irregular migrants. According to the government and the majority are right words to get their hands in their pockets to Aziz, the Moroccan regular worker who lives in Bologna, Naples because the Ukrainian Ivan was pinched without a residence permit. More reassuring than the end that will make the other half of the money, to the Ministry of the Interior for activities related to permits. Will pay men and means to shorten the time of issue and renewal, and, given that we speak of impressive figures, we expect great results. Meanwhile, do not pay and so long as the prosecutors will not come to an agreement. But the free ride will not last forever and who has a permit to expire would do well to immediately ask for the renewal: delay can be costly.
It is already law, but has not yet decided how much and how to pay. Who has a permit to expire, should not wait
What happened to the tax on residence permits? Incumbent for months on the heads of four million immigrants, but so far no one has paid. Safety Act, in force since August, is clear: "The request for issuance and renewal of residence permit is subject to payment of a contribution, the amount is set between a minimum of 80 and a maximum of 200 euro. The only ones allowed to remain without fee asylum and humanitarian protection. To determine the exact amount and the method of payment should be, by decree, the Ministries of Economy and Interior. The fact is that this decree does not yet exist and the two ministries do not get guidance on its timing. Half of the money collected by the state with the fee permits will end in "Return Fund", then, with a far from linear logic, migrants pay the costs of irregular migrants. According to the government and the majority are right words to get their hands in their pockets to Aziz, the Moroccan regular worker who lives in Bologna, Naples because the Ukrainian Ivan was pinched without a residence permit. More reassuring than the end that will make the other half of the money, to the Ministry of the Interior for activities related to permits. Will pay men and means to shorten the time of issue and renewal, and, given that we speak of impressive figures, we expect great results. Meanwhile, do not pay and so long as the prosecutors will not come to an agreement. But the free ride will not last forever and who has a permit to expire would do well to immediately ask for the renewal: delay can be costly.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I'm in Italy for tourism. Can I work?
I'm in Italy for tourism. Can I work?
Hello, I came to Italy with a tourist visa. I found an employer willing to hire me as a laborer. I stay and work in Italy.
Non-EU nationals who come to Italy as tourists and declare their presence in the country are allowed to stay legally on its territory for the duration of the visa by or for a period not exceeding three months.Law No 68 of 2007 abolished the short-term residence permits (up to 90 days), therefore, the tourist extraue should no longer require a residence permit for tourism but must declare his presence on national territory, as follows: - If from a country extraue at the time of his entry into Italy travel to the border crossing points to be affixed on the passport stamp Uniform Schengen;- If from a Schengen country (France, Spain, Germany, etc..) Within 8 days after its entry into the national territory, must present the commissioner of the province is located in order to fill in the form of which will be released copy.During her stay in Italy the tourist extraue can not perform any work because the law requires their prohibition is not foreseen the possibility of converting the residence for reasons of tourism at work purposes.Not all permits issued to nationals extraue allow you to work, among the types specified, that enable in employment, but excluding short-term residence permits (eg, visits, business, tourism, sports competitions).Caution: The law provides for criminal penalties (imprisonment from 6 months to 3 years and fined 5,000 euros for each worker employed) paid by the employer who employs a worker to employ extraue without a residence permit or in possession of a permit residence that does not allow to work (it is the case of the declaration of presence that has replaced the residence permit for tourism). On expiry of the period authorized the foreign national will have to make regular return to its country of origin could not stay beyond the duration of the visa or for a period exceeding 90 days. The declaration of presence, formality required for all nationals who are entering extraue Italy for a short period (even for those exempted from the visa) permits a legal stay of up to 3 months, the foreign national who stays in Italy over this period is likely to be expelled, unless it proves that the retention at home and depended on serious health grounds.The employer, therefore, will not become a tourist extraue, but if it were determined to be rectified, will have to await the enactment of Decree flows and its publication in the Official Gazette and once it is possible to apply, please send, via the computerized the Ministry of the Interior, the registered request for a work permit to employment for citizens extraue.
Hello, I came to Italy with a tourist visa. I found an employer willing to hire me as a laborer. I stay and work in Italy.
Non-EU nationals who come to Italy as tourists and declare their presence in the country are allowed to stay legally on its territory for the duration of the visa by or for a period not exceeding three months.Law No 68 of 2007 abolished the short-term residence permits (up to 90 days), therefore, the tourist extraue should no longer require a residence permit for tourism but must declare his presence on national territory, as follows: - If from a country extraue at the time of his entry into Italy travel to the border crossing points to be affixed on the passport stamp Uniform Schengen;- If from a Schengen country (France, Spain, Germany, etc..) Within 8 days after its entry into the national territory, must present the commissioner of the province is located in order to fill in the form of which will be released copy.During her stay in Italy the tourist extraue can not perform any work because the law requires their prohibition is not foreseen the possibility of converting the residence for reasons of tourism at work purposes.Not all permits issued to nationals extraue allow you to work, among the types specified, that enable in employment, but excluding short-term residence permits (eg, visits, business, tourism, sports competitions).Caution: The law provides for criminal penalties (imprisonment from 6 months to 3 years and fined 5,000 euros for each worker employed) paid by the employer who employs a worker to employ extraue without a residence permit or in possession of a permit residence that does not allow to work (it is the case of the declaration of presence that has replaced the residence permit for tourism). On expiry of the period authorized the foreign national will have to make regular return to its country of origin could not stay beyond the duration of the visa or for a period exceeding 90 days. The declaration of presence, formality required for all nationals who are entering extraue Italy for a short period (even for those exempted from the visa) permits a legal stay of up to 3 months, the foreign national who stays in Italy over this period is likely to be expelled, unless it proves that the retention at home and depended on serious health grounds.The employer, therefore, will not become a tourist extraue, but if it were determined to be rectified, will have to await the enactment of Decree flows and its publication in the Official Gazette and once it is possible to apply, please send, via the computerized the Ministry of the Interior, the registered request for a work permit to employment for citizens extraue.
Son of irregular, how to report the birth?
Son of irregular, how to report the birth?
Hello I am a non-EU citizen married to my wife and I live in Italy but are irregular, without a residence permit. My wife is expecting a baby and should give birth to between one month, what we do hospital, we present the declaration of birth even if we are irregular?
The declaration of birth must be lodged, is an individual right, if there is no birth certificate does not exist and therefore the person to civil rights, such as the right to name therefore it is an act due to the child.If your wife gives birth in hospital, the statement birth can make you or your doctor or midwife or a person who attended the birth.The declaration must be made within three days from the date of birth.About the fact that you have permission to stay do not worry because you can not be reported to the court as illegally staying. Access to health facilities, seen not only as the right to use medical services but also understood as use in all the services, including administrative, by perform at the healthcare facility did not involve any signaling to authority.The fact of not having a residence permit does not affect either the declaration of birth.After the enactment of the security package was amended Article 6, paragraph 2, of Legislative Lgs n.286/1999 single text on immigration which reads: "Except for measures on sports and recreational activities are temporary, for those associated with access to health care in Article 35 and those relating to compulsory school performance, the documents relating to residence in Article 5, paragraph 8, must be produced to the offices of government for issuing licenses, permits, registrations and other measures of interest of foreigners of any description.A reading of the rule could be inferred that for registration with the Registry of the child was required to show a residence permit valid. To clarify the situation, the Ministry of Interior issued a circular, number 19 on August 7 2009 see article: That has clarified that the requirement to display the permit required by that rule does not apply to the declaration of birth and the recognition of natural children.Then you can make the declaration of birth even if you are not in possession of a residence permit. If the declaration of birth is performed in hospital will be the medical director to submit the declaration of birth to the officer within 10 calendar days, which will be the birth certificate ..I remind you that the declaration of birth can also be made within ten days after birth, from the municipality in whose territory the confinement took place, you recarti registry office.The official calendar will be the birth certificate, you must show proof of birth issued by the doctor or midwife who attended the birth and how to document, just show your passport, not the residence permit. Mariangela Lioy
Hello I am a non-EU citizen married to my wife and I live in Italy but are irregular, without a residence permit. My wife is expecting a baby and should give birth to between one month, what we do hospital, we present the declaration of birth even if we are irregular?
The declaration of birth must be lodged, is an individual right, if there is no birth certificate does not exist and therefore the person to civil rights, such as the right to name therefore it is an act due to the child.If your wife gives birth in hospital, the statement birth can make you or your doctor or midwife or a person who attended the birth.The declaration must be made within three days from the date of birth.About the fact that you have permission to stay do not worry because you can not be reported to the court as illegally staying. Access to health facilities, seen not only as the right to use medical services but also understood as use in all the services, including administrative, by perform at the healthcare facility did not involve any signaling to authority.The fact of not having a residence permit does not affect either the declaration of birth.After the enactment of the security package was amended Article 6, paragraph 2, of Legislative Lgs n.286/1999 single text on immigration which reads: "Except for measures on sports and recreational activities are temporary, for those associated with access to health care in Article 35 and those relating to compulsory school performance, the documents relating to residence in Article 5, paragraph 8, must be produced to the offices of government for issuing licenses, permits, registrations and other measures of interest of foreigners of any description.A reading of the rule could be inferred that for registration with the Registry of the child was required to show a residence permit valid. To clarify the situation, the Ministry of Interior issued a circular, number 19 on August 7 2009 see article: That has clarified that the requirement to display the permit required by that rule does not apply to the declaration of birth and the recognition of natural children.Then you can make the declaration of birth even if you are not in possession of a residence permit. If the declaration of birth is performed in hospital will be the medical director to submit the declaration of birth to the officer within 10 calendar days, which will be the birth certificate ..I remind you that the declaration of birth can also be made within ten days after birth, from the municipality in whose territory the confinement took place, you recarti registry office.The official calendar will be the birth certificate, you must show proof of birth issued by the doctor or midwife who attended the birth and how to document, just show your passport, not the residence permit. Mariangela Lioy
With my permission, I can work in other EU countries?
With my permission, can I work in other EU countries?
I have a residence permit for work that ends in 1 year. I had a job offer in Spain. I can move there for work?
Non-EU nationals holding a residence permit (lasting 1 or 2 years) during its currency issued by Greece may travel to Schengen countries for a short stay, for a period not exceeding three months. Schengen Agreements, in fact, provide that the foreign national holding a passport and residence permit valid can move freely and spend a short vacation in the following countries, which constitute the Schengen area: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland , France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Spain, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary.NBLa opportunity to travel and stay (maximum 90 days) in the European countries listed above and provided only for citizens extraue hold a residence permit valid. This right is not granted to those who are awaiting the first issue of a residence permit. Who is pending renewal of residence permits, however, can transit through the Schengen countries only for certain periods of the year, that is when the Ministry of the Interior, with specific ad hoc circulars, facilitates a temporary transit.Attention. During the period of legal residence in the Schengen territory is not allowed to carry out any work because the law expressly provides for the prohibition. The expiry of 3 months, therefore, the foreign national must return regularly in Italy. This provision is valid in all Schengen states, the prohibition of work, therefore, is also a civic extraue who come to Italy for tourism.Only non-EU nationals holding a residence permit for EC long-term residents, permanent, can travel in European countries which have transposed the European Directive 2003/109/EC of the long-term resident third country, and stay there for longer than 90 days for work, study or live there legally.Legislative Decree No 3 of 8 January 2007, pursuant to the aforementioned European Directive, has abolished the residence card, now replaced by a residence permit for EC long-term residents and provided that the holder of the permit EC has, among other duties, to go to work / reside / study for a period exceeding three months in other European countries which have implemented the directive (France, Greece, Holland, Spain, Germany, Poland, etc..).
I have a residence permit for work that ends in 1 year. I had a job offer in Spain. I can move there for work?
Non-EU nationals holding a residence permit (lasting 1 or 2 years) during its currency issued by Greece may travel to Schengen countries for a short stay, for a period not exceeding three months. Schengen Agreements, in fact, provide that the foreign national holding a passport and residence permit valid can move freely and spend a short vacation in the following countries, which constitute the Schengen area: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland , France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Spain, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary.NBLa opportunity to travel and stay (maximum 90 days) in the European countries listed above and provided only for citizens extraue hold a residence permit valid. This right is not granted to those who are awaiting the first issue of a residence permit. Who is pending renewal of residence permits, however, can transit through the Schengen countries only for certain periods of the year, that is when the Ministry of the Interior, with specific ad hoc circulars, facilitates a temporary transit.Attention. During the period of legal residence in the Schengen territory is not allowed to carry out any work because the law expressly provides for the prohibition. The expiry of 3 months, therefore, the foreign national must return regularly in Italy. This provision is valid in all Schengen states, the prohibition of work, therefore, is also a civic extraue who come to Italy for tourism.Only non-EU nationals holding a residence permit for EC long-term residents, permanent, can travel in European countries which have transposed the European Directive 2003/109/EC of the long-term resident third country, and stay there for longer than 90 days for work, study or live there legally.Legislative Decree No 3 of 8 January 2007, pursuant to the aforementioned European Directive, has abolished the residence card, now replaced by a residence permit for EC long-term residents and provided that the holder of the permit EC has, among other duties, to go to work / reside / study for a period exceeding three months in other European countries which have implemented the directive (France, Greece, Holland, Spain, Germany, Poland, etc..).
Domestic workers: how to calculate the holidays?
Domestic workers: how to calculate the holidays?
I am an employer, my Moldovan domestic workers want to go on vacation. What are her rights? There is a special law for domestic workers?
Domestic workers, like other employees are entitled to enjoy paid annual leave, to recover the psycho-physical energy expenditure during the work. It is an inalienable right recognized by the Italian Constitution to all employees, any agreement between the employer and the employee face to the surrender of leave is therefore void.Collective agreements on working-class household determine the duration of leave in relation to the actual periods of employment. The leave entitlement will accrue during the trial period.Art. 18 of the Negotiable governing leave of domestic workers by establishing that: Whatever the duration of working for each year of service with the same employer, the worker is entitled to a period of leave of 26 working days. If the period of employment is less than a year, the worker is entitled to so many twelfths of the holiday period as there are months of actual service provided (fractions of 15 days are considered full month). The employer, consistent with their needs and those of the worker determines the period in which you can take advantage of the leave accrued, usually between June and September, is expected, however, the possibility that the parties agree otherwise.The holidays should be enjoyed throughout the year and may be divided into more than 2 periods. However, foreign workers who need to enjoy a longer period of leave to return to his country of origin may, with the consent of the employer, the accumulated leave for two years, meaning they can skip the holiday of the year course and added to those of the following year so as to obtain a total period of 52 days off continuously.The days of leave accrued but not taken is not lost but can be moved to a different date to be agreed with the employer. Only in exceptional cases expressly provided by law leave may be reimbursed with a replacement allowances, such as when the employment relationship ends, in which case the employer is obliged to pay compensation for leave not taken.The holidays are automatically suspended during the holidays and the period of illness or injury, these terminate shall begin again as the time limit. During the absence from work due to leave the worker is entitled to the same emoluments that would accrue if it had given its performance. In particular, the employee paid on a monthly basis it is, for each day of vacation, 1 / 26 of monthly salary , inclusive of any allowance for board and lodging if the employee is unmarried.Example: If the employee has a salary of 600 euros per month, we must divide by 26. So € 600/26. The daily wage will be equal to € 23.08. If you lived with, this amount should be added to the conventional value of the compensation board and lodging, which for 2008 amounts to € 4,773. So € 23.08 + € 4.773 = € 27,853.In the case of workers paid by the hour to give the number of hours equal to one day of leave is necessary to refer to the number of hours in the preceding month and divide by 26. This amount should be multiplied by the hourly rate agreed upon for determining the remuneration of each day's holiday.Example: If the employee works 12 hours a week and worked in the previous month total of 52 hours, the equivalent number of hours for each day of leave is obtained by dividing the number of hours worked (52) for 26 or 2. If we consider an hourly wage of € 8.66, we can calculate that each day of leave must be paid from € 8.66 x 2 = 17.32 €. Then multiplies the hourly wage by the number of hours leave.During the period of leave the employer is also required to pay contributions, with the usual way. In the event of termination of employment (only if the employee can not take advantage of days off before the end of the report) should be paid to the worker compensation for leave not taken replacement for the days of leave until then accrued. The daily allowance is equal to the salary of 1 day of leave. Even when the employment ceases during the year due to resignation or dismissal, the employee shall enjoy many twelfths of the holiday period as there are months of actual service provided.
I am an employer, my Moldovan domestic workers want to go on vacation. What are her rights? There is a special law for domestic workers?
Domestic workers, like other employees are entitled to enjoy paid annual leave, to recover the psycho-physical energy expenditure during the work. It is an inalienable right recognized by the Italian Constitution to all employees, any agreement between the employer and the employee face to the surrender of leave is therefore void.Collective agreements on working-class household determine the duration of leave in relation to the actual periods of employment. The leave entitlement will accrue during the trial period.Art. 18 of the Negotiable governing leave of domestic workers by establishing that: Whatever the duration of working for each year of service with the same employer, the worker is entitled to a period of leave of 26 working days. If the period of employment is less than a year, the worker is entitled to so many twelfths of the holiday period as there are months of actual service provided (fractions of 15 days are considered full month). The employer, consistent with their needs and those of the worker determines the period in which you can take advantage of the leave accrued, usually between June and September, is expected, however, the possibility that the parties agree otherwise.The holidays should be enjoyed throughout the year and may be divided into more than 2 periods. However, foreign workers who need to enjoy a longer period of leave to return to his country of origin may, with the consent of the employer, the accumulated leave for two years, meaning they can skip the holiday of the year course and added to those of the following year so as to obtain a total period of 52 days off continuously.The days of leave accrued but not taken is not lost but can be moved to a different date to be agreed with the employer. Only in exceptional cases expressly provided by law leave may be reimbursed with a replacement allowances, such as when the employment relationship ends, in which case the employer is obliged to pay compensation for leave not taken.The holidays are automatically suspended during the holidays and the period of illness or injury, these terminate shall begin again as the time limit. During the absence from work due to leave the worker is entitled to the same emoluments that would accrue if it had given its performance. In particular, the employee paid on a monthly basis it is, for each day of vacation, 1 / 26 of monthly salary , inclusive of any allowance for board and lodging if the employee is unmarried.Example: If the employee has a salary of 600 euros per month, we must divide by 26. So € 600/26. The daily wage will be equal to € 23.08. If you lived with, this amount should be added to the conventional value of the compensation board and lodging, which for 2008 amounts to € 4,773. So € 23.08 + € 4.773 = € 27,853.In the case of workers paid by the hour to give the number of hours equal to one day of leave is necessary to refer to the number of hours in the preceding month and divide by 26. This amount should be multiplied by the hourly rate agreed upon for determining the remuneration of each day's holiday.Example: If the employee works 12 hours a week and worked in the previous month total of 52 hours, the equivalent number of hours for each day of leave is obtained by dividing the number of hours worked (52) for 26 or 2. If we consider an hourly wage of € 8.66, we can calculate that each day of leave must be paid from € 8.66 x 2 = 17.32 €. Then multiplies the hourly wage by the number of hours leave.During the period of leave the employer is also required to pay contributions, with the usual way. In the event of termination of employment (only if the employee can not take advantage of days off before the end of the report) should be paid to the worker compensation for leave not taken replacement for the days of leave until then accrued. The daily allowance is equal to the salary of 1 day of leave. Even when the employment ceases during the year due to resignation or dismissal, the employee shall enjoy many twelfths of the holiday period as there are months of actual service provided.
Regularization: Rome - October 28, 2009
more points to sign the contract In 21 provinces, including meetings in locations INPS to cut time. Here is the complete list
The regularization accelerates, multiplying the points where domestic workers, caregivers and employers may sign the contract permits. The last crucial step before finally asking for permission.
In the provinces with more questions, do not sign more contracts only in single points for immigration, but also at the offices of INPS. In this way, the number of people called daily can double or even, as happens in Milan and Rome, to be multiplied by five or six.
Explains a Circular of the Ministry of InteriorThere is a seat Inps available in Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Caserta, Florence, Genoa, Modena, Salerno (with an additional seat in Nocera), Treviso, Varese, Venice, Verona and Vicenza. In Naples, the headquarters INPS are two, three in Turin, Milan and Rome four five.
Needless to wonder now if you must go to the Single Desk for Immigration and INPS. The exact address to which knock, along with date and time for your appointment, arrive along with the summons.
more points to sign the contract In 21 provinces, including meetings in locations INPS to cut time. Here is the complete list
The regularization accelerates, multiplying the points where domestic workers, caregivers and employers may sign the contract permits. The last crucial step before finally asking for permission.
In the provinces with more questions, do not sign more contracts only in single points for immigration, but also at the offices of INPS. In this way, the number of people called daily can double or even, as happens in Milan and Rome, to be multiplied by five or six.
Explains a Circular of the Ministry of InteriorThere is a seat Inps available in Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Caserta, Florence, Genoa, Modena, Salerno (with an additional seat in Nocera), Treviso, Varese, Venice, Verona and Vicenza. In Naples, the headquarters INPS are two, three in Turin, Milan and Rome four five.
Needless to wonder now if you must go to the Single Desk for Immigration and INPS. The exact address to which knock, along with date and time for your appointment, arrive along with the summons.
Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system
Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system is widely expected to boost worldwide personal computer sales after its official release next week, but researchers say the upturn has already begun.
Computer chip maker Intel this week reported better than expected financial results for the last quarter off the back of increased PC sales.
Research firm IDC puts the worldwide increase at 2.5% for the past three months, in contrast with steady declines in the previous nine months.
The growth is being driven by sales of relatively inexpensive netbooks, which almost doubled in sales from the second quarter of this year, according to the Financial Times.
IDC says netbook sales have been further accelerated by suppliers like Hewlett-Packard and Acer teaming up with telcos to distribute subsidised machines to customers signing up to data plans.
IDC expects netbooks to keep growing rapidly for the rest of 2009, but then slow in 2010 as the market picks up and more buyers are likely to opt for the full notebook experience.
But IDC predicts Windows 7 will drive revenues for many IT companies, not just PC makers and chipmakers.
The release of the new Microsoft operating system will have a positive effect for hardware, software, IT services and distribution firms, said an IDC report released in July.
In turn, this will help economies to climb out of the current economic crisis, with more than 177 million copies of Windows 7 expected to be shipped by the end of 2010.
Worldwide, 350,000 companies selling products and services related to Windows 7 are expected to generate more than $320bn in revenue in the first year.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
regolazzione 2009 in italy
Ancora in Questura o sta arrivando la convocazione? Ecco come scoprirlo
Roma ottobre 2009 – Basta un computer collegato a internet per seguire la regolazzione.
Chi vuole sapere a che punto è la sua domanda deve semplicemente collegarsi al sito del Ministero dell’Interno, alla pagina e inserire e-mail e password già utilizzate per scaricare i moduli e farli partire:

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Cliccando su “Accedi” scoprirà se la domanda è ancora ferma in Questura…

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..oppure se la Questura ha dato parere positivo e quindi c’è già la convocazione allo Sportello Unico:

Per ora non appaiono data e orario dell’appuntamento allo Sportello Unico, che verranno indicati nella lettera di convocazione inviata al datore di lavoro. Il sistema è però in continuo aggiornamento e non è escluso che nei prossimi giorni riesca a dare anche qualche informazione in più.
ATTENZIONE: Questa verifica online può farla chi ha spedito la domanda da solo e quindi ha una e-mail e una password da inserire nel sistema. Chi ha presentato la domanda tramite associazioni o patronati dovrà invece rivolgersi agli stessi sportelli per sapere a che punto è.
Roma ottobre 2009 – Basta un computer collegato a internet per seguire la regolazzione.
Chi vuole sapere a che punto è la sua domanda deve semplicemente collegarsi al sito del Ministero dell’Interno, alla pagina e inserire e-mail e password già utilizzate per scaricare i moduli e farli partire:

(clicca per ingrandire l’immagine)
Cliccando su “Accedi” scoprirà se la domanda è ancora ferma in Questura…

(clicca per ingrandire l’immagine)
..oppure se la Questura ha dato parere positivo e quindi c’è già la convocazione allo Sportello Unico:

Per ora non appaiono data e orario dell’appuntamento allo Sportello Unico, che verranno indicati nella lettera di convocazione inviata al datore di lavoro. Il sistema è però in continuo aggiornamento e non è escluso che nei prossimi giorni riesca a dare anche qualche informazione in più.
ATTENZIONE: Questa verifica online può farla chi ha spedito la domanda da solo e quindi ha una e-mail e una password da inserire nel sistema. Chi ha presentato la domanda tramite associazioni o patronati dovrà invece rivolgersi agli stessi sportelli per sapere a che punto è.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
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