Thursday, October 29, 2009


Regularization: Rome - October 28, 2009
more points to sign the contract In 21 provinces, including meetings in locations INPS to cut time. Here is the complete list

The regularization accelerates, multiplying the points where domestic workers, caregivers and employers may sign the contract permits. The last crucial step before finally asking for permission.
In the provinces with more questions, do not sign more contracts only in single points for immigration, but also at the offices of INPS. In this way, the number of people called daily can double or even, as happens in Milan and Rome, to be multiplied by five or six.
Explains a Circular of the Ministry of InteriorThere is a seat Inps available in Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Caserta, Florence, Genoa, Modena, Salerno (with an additional seat in Nocera), Treviso, Varese, Venice, Verona and Vicenza. In Naples, the headquarters INPS are two, three in Turin, Milan and Rome four five.
Needless to wonder now if you must go to the Single Desk for Immigration and INPS. The exact address to which knock, along with date and time for your appointment, arrive along with the summons.

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